Thursday, October 16, 2008

30 posts in 30 days...

Well I have decided to put my foot down and post all of my back logged post ideas! So I am teaming up with my sister-in-law and we are each posting on our blogs for the next 30 days!

Now with that said...I must move on to the meat of this post.

I think my Crock-Pot is on Steroids. Sure it has 3 settings (low, high & warm) but I think it can only process...Consistent INTENSE heat! I have looked and I can't find that setting anywhere so it must be an internal heating sensor that is only operated by my steroidal Rival. I am sorry to say that there is no "slow cookin'" involved in its cookin' process. So I think there is a lesson in this for all of us...Just Say NO!!


jenafeldman said...

I think we have the same crock pot problems...mine only as one setting, too. BLAZING! whatever shall we do? btw, can we write-off crock pots?

jrushing said...

You are too funny my friend!

Shelby said...

i have the same crock pot & mine is either low or high (low takes about 5 hours to cook chcicken breast & high takes about 1 hour). i always cook on low since the idea of a crock pot is to let is cook S L O W.