Monday, November 3, 2008

A wise women once said...

"Just do one thing at a time"

"Reflect on the things you DID do"

"Attitude, Attitude!!!!!"

Yes a wise women indeed. I learned today that I need to view the glass as "half full". And today I didn't do much but I did do something and that is what is important!!! The road to organization wasn't built in a day! I think this will be a process. Much like never ends!


Rebecca said...

Inspirational thoughts. I totally needed that today because I keep crossing things off my list, and I feel like it is just getting longer. I need to remember life isn't getting to the bottom of your list - there will always be more to do. It is about enjoying the journey.

jenafeldman said...

you are way too insprational...i'm feeing 1/2 empty after only 1/2 a night of sleep ; )