Sunday, November 2, 2008

5 Reasons why I should not post...

1. I have plenty more things to do!

2. Nobody reads my posts.

3. Bobby has had his fill of Football and now we can do something else. Like watch a movie & relax.

4. My kids are escaping from their beds and I happen to be the Warden!

5. It is late and I just don't wanna!


Nicole Jackson said...

Keep posting because people do read them! I find that I do check blogs often but don't have time to comment on each and every post. But yes it is fun to read! I love your post on how you had a bad day with the burnt dinner.

Lindsi said...

yah! diddo nicole. And now I know that I'm not the only one staring at a computer when I could be relaxing or sleeping.

heather said...

Hey! I read your posts!

Heidi Rushing said...

Life is no fun if you don't stop and do things you don't have time for!

jenafeldman said...

So I am officially "nobody" - first you screen my calls now this.... Its ok I can take a hint!

jrushing said...

I meant 5 reasons why I shouldn't post "tonight" Sorry Jenn I will still be posting my 30 in 30!! This was just a ploy to increase my comment numbers!!!