Thursday, January 31, 2008


I love the show Lost and I am soooooo excited that tonight I will be basking in the 2 hour season premiere! Yah-hoo! Ladies and gentlemen...tonight I plan to get lost! Thank you and good night!


Melissa and Dave said...

Julie, where are you? I love Lost!! I am doing the same thing.

Melissa and Dave said...

I wish the first hour was a new episode. Oh well, it was still good!!

cjdustin said...

Amen Sista!!! I was lost last night too. I was just going to record and watch today but I couldn't help watching. Love it!

jenafeldman said...

Aren't you supposed to be paying taxes??? ....hmmmm.

Tamara said...

I was right there with you, the second hour ended way to soon..I found myself yelling "NO" as the end title LOST pounded on the TV.

jrushing said...

Yeah I am already psyched for next Thursday! I am so happy that Thursdays are fun again! And taxes were paid don't chu worry!!