Saturday, September 8, 2007

The "Feldman's Tooth Curse" strikes again!!

One early morning oh lets say Wednesday September 5th, as we were hurrying along to prepare for school my sweet Andrew was destined to take a shower. Well, his shower was a momentous occasion...After being in the shower for what seemed to Mommy like forever and continuously reminding him that he can't just stand there under the water he has to get the soap and scrub! So as he was finishing up I was chasing Ty and prodding Alli along because just like the day before...we were going to be late to school!!!! I came to get Andrew out of the shower and when I pulled back the curtain he was looking at me with big scared brown eyes. He was semi shaking as he held up his fingers and said "My tooth was loose and it came out!" I immediately started to freak out like any other good mother would do. "What happened?" "Did you fall?" "WHAT HAPPENED?" He proceeded to tell me as he started to cry that he slipped and knocked his (bottom front) tooth out. Of course he wasn't crying until Mom lost it! So I took the tooth and thought..."There is no way I can put this thing back in so...Okay he will have a hole in his smile for awhile...Thank goodness it is not his top front tooth! So there you have it. And then instead of crying over "spilt milk" or should I say "another tooth sacrifice to the Feldman Tooth Gods" we started to plan for the Tooth Fairy. (I guess the curse struck us again because technically we didn't sacrifice a tooth when Alli had a bit of a run in with this darn curse.) Andrew informed me that "bad teeth get a penny and good teeth get a dollar. So that night we put his first tooth under his pillow! He was excited to see what the Tooth Fairy had in store...Penny or Dollar? What do you think?


jenafeldman said...

i think the tooth fairy has caught up with inflation! i was happy with .25! And Erika wants to know what's so bad about having your front tooth missing! ;)

cjdustin said...

He better get a dollar!!! He would be disappointed after Aunt "Kiki" told him that the nice tooth fairy only brings dollars and not pennies.

jrushing said...

Of course he got a dollar...thanks to money bags Tooth Fairy (aka Aunt Kiki)'s advice!

Melissa and Dave said...

I thought the tooth fairy paid minimum wage ;)

slyn said...

What's the "Feldman Tooth Curse"? :) He looks really cute! The tooth fairy paid Julia $5 for her first tooth. I know, her Daddy is crazy!!

Melissa and Dave said...

Jules, you're up for posting something new ;)

jenafeldman said...

HELL-OOOOO? Anybody home?