Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Happy Birthday Andrew & Alli

Today we celebrated Andrew and Alli's 5th birthday! It is hard to believe that it has been five years since I held my newborn babies. They are growing up so fast. Alli says that "when you are 5 you can do whatever you want." So she thinks 5 is a magical age! Andrew walked in my room this morning and said "It's my birthday mom!!" They are just thrilled to be 5 and getting to start Kindergarten! I am going to celebrate them by naming 5 things about each of them! I will start with the oldest by 11 minutes!

Alli Jane Rushing

1. She is so sweet and loving to her baby brother.
2. She loves polly pockets.
3. Her favorite colors are pink and red!
4. She loves playing with Andrew.
5. She says the best prayers!

Andrew William Rushing

1. He loves pretending and has a game for everything. Today we watched "Monster House" so later today what did he play...Monster House!
2. He is always running, jumping, and hoping around the house!
3. His favorite color is Orange. He informed me today that he wants an Orange
Birthday when he turns 7!
4. He is such a sweet boy and fun to be around!
5. He loves playing with his sister Alli!

Happy birthday to my sweet little ones!


Melissa and Dave said...

How sweet. Happy birthday cuties. Dave and I have the cutest picture of them the day they were born. I should send it to you. They are such great kids!

jenafeldman said...

yeah for 5!! Carson has the same idea about turning 5...he thinks he can do anything...maybe in a few weeks Alli can help let him down easy.

Melissa and Dave said...

Jules & Jen... We hope you are all planning on going to the Idaho State Fair at the end of August :) We can't wait to see you all!

jenafeldman said...

finally...i get to see you fab couches!

(yeah for the fair!)

slyn said...

Very cute!! When does school start there? We started two days ago. All Sydni has been saying is, "where's Julia? Sydni go to school too!!" These comments are followed by the classic tantrum. Lucky for you, Ty won't start this until next year.