Saturday, January 10, 2009

Winter time

One of the things I love in the winter time is a good roaring fire (a real one) on a cold day. Now that I live in the NW I don't get to enjoy them at all. Sure I have a fake fireplace but I don't use it much.

So if I had a wood burning fireplace I would definitely use it. And you know what wood I would use? Peach tree wood. Iwould kick back and watch as the wood was devoured in the flames. It would bring my life so much joy! I would watch it burn all night long and when the fire starts to die I would be right there to throw on more peach tree wood! Oh to have a fireplace that burns peach tree wood! Now that would be the life!


jenafeldman said...

You need to get out more.... ; )

cjdustin said...

You would have to plant and nurture those peachtrees before they would give you any wood to burn first. I guess that's what you are doing now maybe?????

Rebecca said...

Yo! Millions of peaches...peaches for me...oh wait, I forgot peaches are BAAAD!

Shelby said...

i am so over these winter days already. miss the ole fireplace too. we have a gas one but it just is NOT the same.

Eric & Penny Kunz Family said...

Why peachtree?

Chelsea said...

Peach tree? YOu need to post to clarify why the peach tree. I do love a roaring fire, though it has been in the 50's and sunny for the last week and I am SOO ready for spring. Too bad in Oregon that doesn't come till June, and summer doesn't come till August. I'll just keep waiting.