Statement: "I am going to take a shower."
Translation: "Please come and bother me 10 times each and ruin any peace I find in a few minutes to myself!"
Statement: "Let's go get you dressed."
Translation: "Run and hide it is 3 o'clock and time to get dressed!"
Statement: "Will you clean up all the toys on the floor?"
Translation: "Will you put everything that's on the floor on the shelf so that I can clean and arrange the shelf later?"
Statement: "Lyla is asleep don't play with her."
Translation: "Lyla is asleep and probably wont know if you pick her up, kiss her head and play peek-a-boo with her."
Statement: "We need to have breakfast."
Translation: "Go get candy out of the Halloween bowl and stuff yourself with sugar for breakfast!"
Statement: "Good night I will see you in the morning."
Translation: "Now is the time to do everything you were suppose to do before you get in bed!"
You get the picture right? I guess I can add "multi-lingual" (one language per kid) to my MOM resume! With that on my resume I am definitely a contender for "Mom of the Year 2011"! You know the kind of award that is passed out for all the wrong things you do as a mom! I have already reached my quota for 2010! (well maybe I can find room on the shelf for one more award this year!)
One thing I hope doesn't get lost in translation...
Happy Birthday Shane!
We love you!