Friday, September 24, 2010

Lyla's Story

Lyla Marie Rushing
September 1, 2010
6 lbs. 6 oz. & 19 1/2 inches

I made a comment to the nurse while I was waiting for Lyla to come that each of my children's births have had something that makes their birth story unique. I was a little bit nervous when we went to the hospital because I just wasn't sure what kind of a birth story our little girl was going to have. It wasn't long before I knew!

Shane and I arrived at the hospital on September 1st bright and early at 8:30am! We were a little bit late because I wanted my hair to be just right! It looked great according to always looks great to him! (sorry just a bit of an inside joke!) I met my Dr. out in the hall way and she assured me that I was going to have a baby TODAY!!! I was excited but nervous for obvious reasons!
Here we are before the action begins...I don't know who looks more ready to have a baby!

With those fabulous poses out of the way the waiting game was on! It took awhile for me to get the drugs to start labor and I think things got underway around 10am. I should say that I was being induced one week early and I am not sure that my body was ready to give up this baby! I was afraid that it was going to be a long day!

However...that wasn't going to be the case. My Dr. was scheduled to do a surgery around 1pm and was confident that I would not deliver the baby that soon but she assured me that if I did she would leave her surgery (don't worry...another Dr. was doing the surgery with her) to come deliver my baby. Well just about 1pm my wonderful nurse was getting uneasy with Lyla's heart rate. I was having regular contractions and every time Lyla's heart rate would dip really low. She stepped out to call the Dr. and about 20 mins later my Dr. was there informing Shane and I that it looked like the baby was in some distress and she felt I was going to need a Cesarean. It was a bit overwhelming for me and I started to cry (hormones and motherly love at work). We decided that we would not wait and go ahead with the Cesarean and my Dr. stepped out to notify the other Dr. that she would not be joining him. She returned in 5 mins and the level of concern about Lyla's safety had escalated quite dramatically and I was given a shot to stop contractions and wheeled into the operating room. Shane was left in the hallway with a bunch of gear to put on and told that they would return for him. As I was being wheeled to the operating room I felt like I was watching "A Baby Story" except that this story was about me. I was a horrible wreck and I will love my Dr. forever because she let me squeeze her hand and comforted me while I was getting my spinal block. Everything happened so fast. Except if you ask Shane he felt he was out in the hall way for a very long time not knowing anything that was happening behind the closed doors. Not too long after Shane arrived Lyla was born. She was born at 2:22pm. When Dr. Bannon pulled her out she said "Hi baby girl. You have a very tight cord around your neck." She arrived safely and I would do it all over again. I really felt blessed that everything worked out ok and very grateful for a Dr. that knew when to kick it into high gear!
I think this is the only time she cried in her first 2 weeks of life!

Here we are after.
Everyone still in shock.

This was a very different experience for me and this is the closest I got to my new baby for the next 3 hours. I was feeling all the pain but I didn't see Lyla until I was stitched up, out of recovery, and in my hospital room. Don't worry Shane was with her!

We had lots of visitors!
The other 3 kids were so excited to see their new baby sister.

We even had some far away visitors that came to Washington D.C. just for this occasion!! Okay maybe not but it was great timing! It was great to see the Bradford Bunch!

I wasn't anticipating on being in the hospital for 5 days and 4 nights! But because of a little incident (something involving a going home class & too much medication on an empty stomach!) I stayed for the full allotted time for a Cesarean. So that meant I spent my 33rd Birthday in the hospital! But my Mom and I celebrated in style!

I wouldn't have gotten thru this without my fabulous Mother. She stayed with me at the hospital and kept me company and Shane stayed at home with the kids. It was good that Shane could provide stability to the other three kids and my mom took great care of me. It was a special time for me. I could not have done it without her! She was a super nurse in the hospital and when I came home! I know I sent you home tired and exhausted but I wouldn't have survived without my Mommy! Thanks Mom!

I have to give another shout out to my Mother-in-Law. She came out and stayed with me after my Mom went home. It was really hard on my mentally that I was not able to get around and do the things that I needed to do for my other kids and household. Clara helped ease my concerns and was able to help everything and everyone until I felt better. Thanks for all you did! Now go get your T.V. and enjoy some retirement "Veg" time! After all the time with us, you deserve it!

Finally we were ready to come home. Lyla Marie & company left the hospital on Sunday September 5th! Everyone was glad that the long hospital stay was over!

She was so tiny and cute!

(She still is cute but she is getting big!)

Lyla arrived safely and for that we are truly grateful. So that is Lyla's story. She definitely has a unique birth story! Lyla arrived safely and for that we are truly grateful!